Triplanetary, Space Patrol, others in the Lensmen series Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle - The Mote in God's Eye Niven, Larry - Ringworld, Ringworld Engineers, Tales of Known Space Laumer, Keith - A Plague of Demons, Retief series, Bolo series Heinlein, Robert - Starship Troopers, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Harrison, Harry - Bill, the Galactic Hero, The Stainless Steel Rat, Deathworld series Rendezvous with Rama, The Fountains of ParadiseĬlement, Hal - Mission of Gravity, Close to Critical, The Nitrogen Fixĭick, Philip K. Commodore Grimes seriesĬlarke, Arthur C. Taken from the back of the Star Frontiers Alpha Dawn Expanded Game rulebook:Īsimov, Isaac - Extraterrestrial Civilizationsīylinsky, Gene - Life in Darwin's Universeĭole, Robert - Habitable Planets for Manįeinberg, Gerald, and Robert Shapiro - Life Beyond Earth: An Intelligent Earthling's Guide to Life in the UniverseĪsimov, Isaac - Foundation trilogy, I, Robot, The Gods Themselvesīester, Alfred - The Stars, My DestinationĬhandler, Bertram A.